Chest #1 Information
Tibia Clausa
This 16' rank has the first four pipes of the 16' octave mounted horizontally. The remaining eight pipes of the 16' octave (marked Tibia Clausa) are mounted vertically on an 8-note chest. Two pipes of the 8' octave are offset on a chest common with the Diapason and Violin 8' offset pipes. The remaining 8' is located on the chest along with the rest of the rank. The pipes are from various manufacturers. While wired, the top metal octave of this rank was never installed. Playing as the Tibia Clausa, this rank is specified on the Pedal at 16',10-2/3', 8', 4'; Accom at 8' and 4; Solo at 16', 8',5-1/3',4',3-1/5', 2-2/3', 2',1-3/5', and 1'.
The Diapason's 8' octave is Haskell with 4 notes mounted on an offset chest. The remainder of this rank is on the main chest and plays for 73 notes. This rank's specification is Pedal at 16' (TC), 8', 4'; Accom at 8' and 4; Solo at 16' (TC), 8'; and 4'.
Violin I
A 16' octave of mitered Austin pipes mounted horizontally starts this rank. The next 4 notes are Haskell and mounted on an offset chest. The remainder of the 8' octave of Haskell pipes are located on the manual chest. 85 notes comprise this rank which plays on the console at Pedal at 16', 8', 4'; Accom at 16', 8', 4', 2-2/3', and 2'; Solo at 16', 8', 4', and 2. The pipes are marked "Salicional".
Violin II
The 8' octave of this rank is Haskell with the first four notes mounted on an offset chest. The remainder of the 8' octave of Haskell pipes are located on the manual chest. The remainder of the rank is marked "Voix Celeste" and there are 73 notes total. Tablets are on the console for Pedal, Accom, and Solo at 8', 4'.
This chest measures 10'-6" long. It is composed of single Austin toe-rails for the Violin I and Violin II. The Diapason and Tibia are located on two toe-rails with pipes alternating between rails in classic Austin style. There is a spare toe-rail for future addition. All actions are Peterson Direct Electric within the manual chest. The chests smoked acrylic bottom panels easily lift out for service work. A 18" x 30" curtain-valve reservoir supplies air for this chest. The tremolo is a pair of Austin Pedal Pneumatics electronically fired to dump air. The bass offset chests are of several manufacturers. The Z-tronics driver boards are located at one end of the chest.
The console is prepared for the addition of MIDI sound module stops. Prepared for is a Harp stop at 8' & 4' on all manuals as well as a general MIDI sound module at 8' and 4' on all manuals. A Chimes stop is prepared for on the Accom and Solo which could yet be another MIDI voice. The Z-tronics relay can be easily expanded to include additional stops and/or extensions to the existing pipework.
Console Couplers
The console includes a full set of couplers. The Pedal has a Super 8'; The Accom has 16', Unison, and 4' couplers as well as Solo to Accom 16', Unison, and 4' couplers. The Solo includes a 16', Unison, and 4' coupler.