Chest #2 Information
Concert Flute
This 16' rank has the first six pipes of the 16' octave mounted horizontally. The remaining six pipes of the 16' octave are mounted vertically on a 4-note and a 2-note chest. The 8' octave is mounted on the chamber wall in the classic vertical manner. The manufacturer of the 16' and 8' octaves is unknown. Starting at 4' on the chest the next 73 pipes are a Skinner Flute Triangular (open flute). This rank plays on the Pedal at 16', 8', 5-1/3', 4'; Accom at 16', 8', 4', 2-2/3', 2'; Solo at 16', 8', 4', 2-2/3', 2', 1-1/3'.
8' Concert Flute Celeste
This 4' stop is totally located on the chest. These open flute pipes are marked "Melodia" and there are 61 pipes. Tablets are on the console for Pedal, Accom, and Solo at 8', 4'.
8' Viola
This 8' stop starts out with an octave of Haskell bases. At 4' the spotted metal pipes are marked "Dulciana". The rank's compass is 73 notes total. The console stops are Pedal at 8', 4', 2'; Accom at 8', 4', 2-2/3', 2'; Solo at 8', 4', 2', 1-3/5.
8' Vox Humana
This 61-note Moller Vox plays at 16' (TC) on the Pedal and Accom, and at 8' and 4' on Pedal, Accom, and Solo.
8' Trumpet
The first ten notes of the 8' octave of this rank are mounted on two 5-note offset chests. The remaining two pipes are on the main chest and continue up for the remaining 73 notes. The pipes are marked "Cornapean"
This chest measures 11' long. It is composed of single Austin toe-rails for all ranks with a spare toe-rail for future addition. All actions are Peterson Direct Electric. The chests smoked acrylic bottom panels easily lift out for service work. A 24" square regulator supplies air for this chest. The tremolo is a pair of Austin Pedal Pneumatics electronically fired to dump air. The bass offset chests are of several manufacturers. The Z-tronics driver boards are located at one end of the chest. Mounted over this chest is an Austin Fan Tremolo.
Mutation Stops
The Pedal includes a Cornet II which consists of the Violin I 2-2/3' and Diapason 2'. A Solo Mixture consists of the Violin I at 2-2/3' and 1-1/3' along with the Diapason at 2'. The Pedal includes a 8' Cellos made from the Violin I and Violin II both at 8'.