1,000 Pounds Plus And Holding!!
Normally a hydrostatic test on a boiler is
taken to 125% of the nominal operating pressure. For a 600 PSIG Stanley
boiler this would mean taking the boiler to 750 PSIG and requiring it to
hold that pressure for 10 minutes without bleeding off.
It is rumored
that Stanley used to test their new boilers to 1,000 PSIG to insure it was
safe. In this picture the pressure gauge reads above the 1,000 pound
pressure mark. During the test several of the flues became “wet” at the top
flue sheet indicating minute leakage. The pressure gauge did drop in
pressure and it took over 15 minutes to fall back to the 1,000-pound
indication on the dial. The stresses of heating and cooling the boiler did
provide for some minor leaking around flues at the upper flue sheet but by
the sixth firing of the boiler wetness no longer appeared anywhere on the
top flue sheet. The minute imperfections in the tube walls and holes of the
flue sheet that the roller couldn’t tighten the flues against were soon
blocked tight with rust.