Boiler Restoration

Initial Hydrostatic Test And Pinhole Leak Repair

With the piano wire in place the boiler could now be hydrostatically tested.  To protect the wire wrapping of the boiler the boiler was wrapped with a thin layer of plastic as seen in the photo.  The boiler was filled with water to remove all air and then pressurized.  Any leaks are corrected.  The initial pressure testing of the boiler revealed that a number of the flues in the top flue sheet wept water.  The roller was re-run on each of the flues and this quickly corrected the problem. 

Several of the flues on the lower (welded) flue sheet were also leaking.  In this case these the leaks were in the form of pin-holes in the welds that allows a very fine mist of water to escape.  In the photo the boiler is being pressurized to nearly 1,000 PSIG and the misting flues are having their welds touched up.

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